The roots of mask-making in Majuli run deep, intertwined with the cultural and religious reformation...Digital Desk: Majuli, nestled in the bosom of A...
Chowdhury generously donated his land to the Shrimanta Shankar Academy Society...Digital Desk: Debananda Chowdhury (Bubul), the founder and vice presi...
A major turning point in the state's dairy industry has already been reached with the launch of the first commercial product...Digital Desk: Assam Chi...
Sarma announced a top-up of Rs 950 per month per beneficiary under the India Gandhi National Widow Scheme...Digital Desk: Assam Chief Minister Himanta...
It is going to start from March 3 to March 18 at the Deshbhakta Tarun Ram Phookan Indoor Stadium in Guwahati.Digita desk: The Boxing Federation of Ind...
This comes as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) declared on March 2, the first list of candidates for the Lok Sabha elections in 2024. Digital Des...
The youth killed on the spot is Manasjyoti Kalita of Kathi. The critically injured youth is Chinmay Sharma of Pachamtola.Digital Desk: In Chaygaon, a ...
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will be contesting for 11 of the 14 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha election...Digital Desk: The first list of candid...