CBSE Demands Schools To Submit Teachers Details Online…
Digital Desk: According to CBSE all the affiliated schools have been given final direction to make sure to have a functional website with complete mandatory public declaration. Schools require passing on details including those concerning their teachers, their qualification and any other legalized documents. This is a part of the CBSE board policy concerning public report which is a necessary component.
CBSE first sent out a circular on 5th March 2021 and later sent a reminder on 21st May 2021. This means that schools have no option but to proceed with the instructions. Nevertheless, concerning the mentioned reminders, some schools still have no working web sites, or, in general, they lack or have inoperative, updated information along with these necessities.
A current circular send by CBSE states that some schools have put up the mandatory documents and some links to them are missed inactive or not evidently visible on the home page of the school. Fortunately, the CBSE is providing one more chance to their affiliated schools to move with it to give a solution to the problems in an appropriate way.
To mark this error , the board has provided the last chance to upload all prescribed information and documents in a clear and distinct manner within the 30 days. It is further directed and recommended that schools ‘input’ the requisite details well and clearly. Otherwise necessary action as per the CBSE rules and regulation would be taken and penalty would be imposed.
It also encourages schools that have already uploaded the information to go through their websites again and check whether the information and documents uploaded are still correct and can be easily downloaded. There can be only minor fluctuations and to correct them, they have to be done quickly so that they don’t lead to penalties.
This move is expected to improve transparency and accountability among the schools affiliated to CBSE and in the process provide the require information to students, parents and other stakeholders. The affiliated schools must consider this directive to be very important to be able to avoid any kind of punishment and continue.
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