• 5 incredible Ayurvedic benefits of foot massage

    5 incredible Ayurvedic benefits of foot massage
    According to studies, persons who had their feet massaged following surgery on their appendix, for example, experienced less pain and used fewer medicines.

    Digital Desk: The pain and stiffness in the feet and soles troubles us after continuously walking throughout the day owing to exhaustion. Massage of the feet in this situation is quite therapeutic. Numerous advantages of foot massage have also been discovered through research. Stress is decreased by massage in addition to reducing foot discomfort. The energy is also increased if you massage your feet every day. WebMD claims that massaging the foot triggers the neurological system, releasing endorphins that are stored in the brain.

    According to studies, persons who had their feet massaged following surgery on their appendix, for example, experienced less pain and used fewer medicines.

    Advantages of a foot massage

    Strong muscles
    The muscles in the feet remain strong for a long time because regular foot massages maintain the health of the muscle tissue. Additionally, massage increases the blood flow to the feet, which is good for diabetes and nerve damage.

    Massage your feet if you're experiencing mental instability or depression-like symptoms. This eliminates the depressive disorder issue.

    Improved sleep
    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, carefully massage your feet with coconut oil or your preferred essential oil. By doing this, the issue of difficulty sleeping is resolved.

    Quick recovery
    You can recover fast from wounds caused by heels, soles, feet, etc. with the aid of foot massage. Particularly those who are athletes or who engage in heavy exercise.

    Helpful in pregnancy
    You must have a foot massage if your feet swell during pregnancy. You'll not only feel better after doing this, but the foot swelling issue will also disappear.