• Effective ways to increase your attention span

    Effective ways to increase your attention span

    According to Harvard Health, mindfulness training might help you focus better because it focuses on keeping your attention in the now. Regular exercise and getting enough sleep are also beneficial.

    Digital Desk: Have you ever had the feeling that most things don't hold your interest- that your thoughts wander easily, you grow bored, and you quickly lose interest in the activity at hand? Do not worry; we have all undoubtedly experienced this at some point. The length of time a person can focus on a job or piece of information without getting sidetracked is referred to as attention span. Age, task difficulty, and individual variances are only a few examples of the many variables that might affect it. “The ideal attention span is not well-defined, but research suggests that the average attention span of an adult is roughly about 20 minutes when listening to a lecture or presentation, and it decreases to 8 seconds for digital content,” said Dr Samant Darshi, consultant psychiatrist, Psymate Healthcare & Yatharth Super-speciality Hospitals.


    But why do some people have a limited attention span?

    Reduced attention span in some people can be caused by a variety of things, such as distractions, lack of sleep, multitasking, age, mental health issues, substance abuse, and poor nutrition. The attention span can also be significantly impacted by distractions from outside sources such as technology, noise, and other distractions.

    Lack of sleep can cause weariness, decreased attentiveness, and trouble concentrating. Switching between projects frequently might make it harder to concentrate on one thing at a time, which shortens attention span. Age-related attention span declines, particularly in older adults, and is influenced by mental health issues such ADHD, anxiety, depression, and stress. The brain can be impacted by substance abuse and use, which shortens attention span. Reduced cognitive function and attention span can result from a diet low in critical nutrients. It's crucial to remember that while these elements may influence attention span, they are not always the only ones at play, according to Dr. Darshi.

    Is there a fix for this?

    According to Harvard Health, mindfulness training might help you focus better because it focuses on keeping your attention in the now. Regular exercise and getting enough sleep are also beneficial. 


    “When you exercise, you increase the availability of brain chemicals that promote new brain connections. And when we sleep enough, we reduce the harmful stress hormones that can negatively impact our attention span,” stated Harvard Health.

    “Yes, practicing mindfulness can help improve attention span. Research shows that regularly engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help to increase focus, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase brain activity in areas associated with attention and concentration. This can all work together to help individuals stay focused on the task at hand and improve their attention span over time. It’s important to remember that while mindfulness can be a powerful tool for improving attention span, it can also be beneficial to combine it with other strategies, such as limiting distractions and engaging in activities that energize the mind. With the right combination of practices, individuals can find the right balance to improve their attention span and overall cognitive functioning,” Dr Darshi added.

    Agreeing, Vinaya Gore, chief psychologist and founder of Aatman Psychology Studio, said: “Think of attention as a muscle- the more you work with it, the stronger it will be. Practice mindfulness, and turn off technology. It’s difficult but extremely important to do; at least till the time you finish the job at hand.”

    Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh, a mental wellness specialist at Artemis Hospital, shared some treatments with indianexpress.com, suggesting that drinking black tea can help with attention span. "This is due to the presence of the amino acid L-theanine in black tea, which has an impact on the attention-related brain region. Getting outside is another technique to lengthen your attention span. Exposure to nature has been shown to enhance focus. A excellent tip is to take a brief break every 50 minutes, especially if you have a lot of work to complete. But rather than attempting to do them all at once, proceed logically while taking breaks.