Whenever a person's fire is weak in his energy body then he keeps falling prey to evil eyes. For these reasons, they are advised to...
Digital Desk: An evil eye (buri nazar) is a very common phenomenon believed by almost all religions. As the name implies, it is a bad event that happens to a person. People who are physically or mentally weak are more prone to such negative vibrations.
Here, "physically weak" refers to the body's weak fire element.
Whenever a person's fire is weak in his energy body then he keeps falling prey to evil eyes. For these reasons, they are advised to recite Hanuman Chalisa or apply Hanuman Tilak, which is red in colour that represents the fire element.
Similarly, when the fire element in a home is weak, the people who live there continue to be influenced by evil eyes.
The fire elements govern the southeast, south of south-east, and south directions.
When these zones are disturbed, the fire element of that particular building weakens, resulting in mishaps, thefts, and even accidents.
The main cause of an imbalanced fire element is the presence of large mirrors or blue or black colours in these zones.
Big mirrors and an underground tank should also be avoided in this area.
In fact, the presence of round objects or round wire bundles causes a lot of disturbance here.
Keep a watch on these points and add red colour in the form of red flowers or curtains in the Southeast (SE) and a picture of Hanuman ji in the South of the south-east (SSE)zone to shield yourself and your loved ones from the negative energies of the evil eye.
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