PM Modi captioned the images he posted on Twitter, "A very lovely Raksha Bandhan with these youngsters."Digital Desk: On Thursday, August 11, Pr...
Digital Desk: Hours after a video of a police constable criticizing the poor food being provided at the mess went viral, Firozabad police initiated an...
The attack comes a day after three LeT terrorists were neutralised by security forces in Budgam. One of the killed terrorists was involved in the kill...
The religious doctrine holds that auspicious activities are not performed in Bhadra Kaal. Because of this, the Rakhi is not even knotted in Bhadrakal....
The Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha members make up the electoral college that selects the vice president of India, the second-highest constitutional po...
At the ceremony in Mayur Vihar, he remarked, "We have to promise to build such a system where free good education, world-class healthcare, and 100% em...
For an 18-year-old kid to witness his professor wearing skimpy clothing and flaunting her body on a public platform is obscene, vulgar, and indecent."...
You won't be charged a delivery fee if you order up to five flags at once. Here are the steps you can take to purchase the National Flag online.Digita...