Amitabh Bachchan made his debut in 1969 with "Saat Hindustani," a film directed by Khwaja Ahmed Abbas, which earned him a...Digital Desk: Amitabh Bach...
Nushrratt was in Israel for the Haifa International Film Festival at a time when the war in the area had intensified due to Hamas attacks in the south...
Rekha never desired to stand in front of the camera or follow her mother. She enjoyed travelling and wanted to work as an air hostess. Digital De...
Akshay Kumar recently announced the discontinuation of Vimal, a pan masala brand that was recently featured...Digital Desk: Despite his discontinuance...
Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip launched an unprecedented, multifront attack on Israel, launching thousands of rockets...Digital Desk: Nushratt Bharu...
In the shot, he was accompanied by a mysterious woman. Salman and the lady both wore white...Digital Desk: Bollywood's Bhaijaan, Salman Khan, has...
A member of her team had earlier stated, "Nushrratt has unfortunately been stranded in Israel.For the Haifa International Film Festival, she had trave...
Nushrratt had traveled to Israel to attend the Haifa International Film Festival, but the rapidly deteriorating security situation has left her...Digi...