The series of suicides began with a 16-year-old student in the Mancherial district taking his life by hanging...Digital Desk: In a tragic inciden...
Rahul Gandhi is expected to throw his hat into the ring for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in AmethiDigital Desk: In the bustling political arena of...
Excitement rippled through the village as plans surfaced to exhibit these ancient marvels in a museum, offering a glimpse into the past for generation...
Digital Desk: Amritpal Singh, a jailed pro-Khalistan leader in Assam, wants to run as an independent candidate for Punjab's Khadoor Sahib consti...
The Maharashtra cyber cell has called the actor in for questioning on his purported promotion of the Indian Premier League (IPL) betting app...
The breakdown of this reveals that 23 candidates achieved the coveted 100 NTA score in the JEE (Main) January session, while an impressive 3...
The sale of chicken, birds, and eggs has been banned in a 1-kilometre area from the place of outbreak of the avian flu.Digital Desk: The Jharkhan...
The Enforcement Department additionally claimed that Pravin Raut transferred a portion of the illicit gains—roughly Rs 95 crore—into his personal ...