The BBC aired a documentary critical of Prime Minister Modi over the riots that ravaged Gujarat in 2002, when he was Chief Minister, and the opposition claimed that the government was targeting the BBC because of this.
Digital Desk: Following weeks of intense controversy over the UK broadcaster's documentary series on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the deadly sectarian riots in Gujarat in 2002, income tax officers today searched the BBC's offices in Delhi and Mumbai and seized phones and laptops.
According to sources, the tax authorities shut down the offices as part of a "survey" of alleged BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) transfer pricing and international taxation issues.
The BBC tweeted, "The Income Tax Authorities are currently at the BBC offices in New Delhi and Mumbai and we are fully cooperating. We hope to have this situation resolved as soon as possible.”
Journalists' phones and laptops were taken away, and documents were seized. Employees were asked not to call anyone. In a letter to staff, BBC reportedly stated, "We are handling the situation," asking those not in the office to stay away and those in the office to not panic.
Tax officials assured that the phones would be returned and that this was a survey, not a search.
"We required some clarifications, therefore our team is visiting the BBC office and conducting a survey to get them. These are not searches; rather, our officers have gone to inspect the account books "According to sources with the Income Tax Department, the taxmen requested balance sheet and account information from the BBC's finance department.
The BBC aired a documentary critical of Prime Minister Modi over the riots that ravaged Gujarat in 2002, when he was Chief Minister, and the opposition claimed that the government was targeting the BBC because of this.
The two-part series, "India: The Modi Question" was removed from public platforms last month. YouTube videos and Twitter tweets containing links to the documentary were blocked by the Center using emergency powers granted by IT Rules. The documentary was denounced by the administration as "hostile propaganda and anti-India rubbish."
Public screenings of the documentary were organised by opposition leaders and students as a form of protest against what they perceived as obvious censorship. This caused riots on campus between students, college officials, and the police.
"While the government is harassing BBC, we are requesting a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) investigation into the Adani-Hindenburg dispute. When one is fated, one makes poor decisions, according to Vinash Kaale Viprit Buddhi "Congressman Jairam Ramesh commented.
Mahua Moitra, a Trinamool Congress lawmaker, mocked in a tweet: "Reports of Income Tax raid at BBC's Delhi office. Wow, really? How unexpected."
Akhilesh Yadav, the head of the Samajwadi Party, tweeted in Hindi, "One should realise the end is near when a government stands for fear and oppression instead of fearlessness."
The governing BJP attacked the BBC for its "venomous, superficial, and agenda-driven reporting," saying the Income Tax Bureau should be allowed to carry out its duties. "No person or organisation can be exempt from the law. They must abide by Indian law if they are doing business there. What's the concern if they haven't engaged in any wrongdoing? Why are the opposition parties supporting the agency because of its shoddy and meagre politics? "asked Gaurav Bhatia, a BJP spokeswoman. Additionally, he called the BBC a "Bhrasht, Bakwas Corporation" (corrupt, senseless corporation).
The Supreme Court dismissed a request last week for a total ban on BBC in India due to the programme, labelling the petition as "entirely misconceived."
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