Following his disqualification from the Lok Sabha, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has been served with a notice to leave the government-allotted bungalo...
Ashok Roy Choudhury was a Silchar National Highway road resident. He was a Union Bank employee stationed in Shimoga.Digital Desk: The body of Ashok Ro...
He went on to say that he worked night shifts and had no idea about the affair until he came across the GPS data. His wife was completely unaware of t...
According to reports, both victims are in critical condition.Digital Desk: Two people were shot at in a Gurudwara in the United States on Sunday, acco...
The deceased's daughter witnessed the entire incident and stated that her parents fought over meat, after which her father slit her mother's neck.Digi...
The same evening, the child's corpse was discovered in the field, and it appeared that someone had cut the child's throat.Digital Desk: Police said on...
Innocent made his film debut in 1972 with Nrityashala, directed by AB Raj. He played a variety of roles for four decades. He was best known for his co...
According to the government, the number of active cases is currently 0.02 percent of all infections, and the national Covid-19 recovery rate is 98.79 ...