Over Rs 20 crore in cash, along with jewellery and foreign currency, were found in Mukherjee's residence by the ED, which is looking into the scam's p...
Notably, the state power provider later corrected the bill, and action has been taken against the employees who made this huge mistake. &n...
Bandyopadhyay, also known as 'Ek Takar Daktar,' or (one rupee doctor) treated patients for nearly 60 years for a single rupee.Digital Desk: Dr. S...
On the seventh anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's demise, the nation remembers the "Missile Man of India."Digital Desk: Former Indian President...
CJI said media houses with other business interests are more susceptible to outside pressures.Digital Desk: On Tuesday, Chief Justice of India N ...
Sonawane brought up an industrial dispute, and the labour court was referred to it. The labour court issued an award dismissing Sonawane's referral in...
Digital Desk: A video that apparently showed police pulling the hair of Srinivas BV of the Indian Youth Congress surfaced as demonstration...
Digital Desk: Tuesday, after more than 22 people died and 60 were hospitalised as a result of consuming fake booze in the state's Ahmedaba...