A popular video depicts the encounter between the Japanese man-turned-dog who responds with barking...Digital Desk: Becoming a popular sensation on In...
The video depicted a chaotic situation in which travellers without tickets caused havoc and interfered with the enjoyment...Digital Desk: A concerning...
The assurance came in response to Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia's call for the Chief Minister to address the matter...Digital Desk: In a shockin...
After passing the UPSC on his first attempt and ranking 149th overall in India, he became an IPS...Digital Desk: Every year, many young individuals in...
The man has his own YouTube account, where he routinely publishes clips of himself taking dog walks...Digital Desk: A Japanese man recently made headl...
Ummul Kher was born into a traditional household in Marwar, Rajasthan, and moved to Delhi with her family when she was five years old...Digital Desk:&...
Cruz claims that although Aitana's average monthly income is closer to 3,000 euros, the virtual influencer may earn as much as 10,000 euros per month....
A woman climbed onto a mobile tower to profess her love for a man and convince him to marry her...Digital Desk: A 20-year-old woman climbed onto a mob...